Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
This week we welcome Dr. Debbie Bilder from URADD, The Utah Registry of Autism and Developmental Disabilities, to the podcast to discuss the value of knowing the prevalence rates of autism and how data can benefit the community as a whole!
Dr. Bilder’s clinical expertise is in psychiatric assessment and treatment for individuals with severe neurodevelopmental disabilities across their lifespan. Dr. Bilder is the URADD Principal Investigator.
Check out URADD here: https://medicine.utah.edu/psychiatry/research/labs/uradd/
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Autism weekly is produced by ABS. ABS is proud to provide diagnostic assessments and ABA therapy to children with developmental delays like Autism Spectrum Disorder. You can learn more about ABS and the Autism Weekly podcast by visiting abskids.com.