Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
This week we welcome Laura Anderson. She’s the mother of a young adult with Autism and is a member of the Autism Council of Utah. She is proud to be the co-founder of the parent support group called the “Big MAKs” group. MAK stands for “Mothers of Autistic Kids.”
Today we are going to talk about elopement and Autism Spectrum Disorders. Elopement in this case means to “run away, bolt, or wander.” Elopement is a huge safety concern and is more common than you may think in children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder. That’s why we are thrilled to learn more from Laura’s experience with Elopement.
If you'd like to join the Big MAKs Facebook group, you can do so by emailing Laura directly at lauanderson@comcast.net